Nurture, Grow, Flourish




Mathematics at Stubbins




  • It is our intent to motivate all our pupils to have high aspirations, to want to do their personal best and to have the desire to be successful in and out of school in a rapidly changing world.  
  • It is our aim to have pupils actively involved in the learning process, understanding how to use number, logical thinking, reasoning and to become increasingly resilient when solving problems. 
  • We intend to deliver a high-quality, challenging and enjoyable mathematics curriculum which ensures success for all children through a mastery approach 
  • We aim to enable children to acquire a deeper understanding of concepts through practical, pictoral and abstract explorations of mathematics. 
  • We will enable children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. 
  • We want children to know that maths is essential to everyday life and to feel they are confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks. 
  • It is our intention to equip children with secure mathematical foundations and to develop their fluency, accuracy and inquisitive minds.  
  • We want children to develop the ability to recall and apply knowledge of numbers confidently. 


To ensure complete coverage of the curriculum, we use the White Rose Maths scheme and to supplement, address misconceptions and add extra challenge we also use Times Tables Rock Stars, Target your Maths and other resources which also support the mastery approach. This enables continuous progression in the teaching of mathematics throughout school and consolidates prior learning.  

  • Daily maths lessons begin with a revisit of prior learning and include fluency and reasoning 
  • Maths lessons make high expectations clear and pupils are encouraged to build confidence and resilience. Abilities are not fixed but can be developed through practice, support, dedication and hard work. Teachers extend high-attaining students through depth and provide extension activities for understanding, exploring and applying knowledge. 
  • Concrete resources and pictorial representations are used to develop a deeper understanding of mathematics 
  • Knowledge of number facts is developed in additional number lessons to develop fluency and children are assessed individually for rapid and accurate recall of times tables (Years 3-6) 
  • Children are assessed on a termly basis in arithmetic and reasoning. 


 When a maths concept or skill has been ‘mastered’ then pupils can represent it in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. 

  • Children will show resilience when solving mathematical problems and draw upon a wide range of skills and knowledge to complete problem solving and reasoning tasks 
  • Children’s progress is tracked regularly and discussed at pupil progress meetings 
  • Pupils are becoming more confident and accurate when reasoning. 
  • Pupils can demonstrate quick and accurate recall of facts and mathematical knowledge. 
  • Children enjoy maths and can talk confidently and happily about it. 

 Times Tables Rock Stars

Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.

Each week concentrates on a different times table, with a recommended consolidation week for rehearsing the tables that have recently been practised every third week or so.

This format has very successfully boosted times tables recall speed for hundreds of thousands of pupils over the last 8 years in over 12,000 schools - both primary and secondary - worldwide.

Have a look at this video which will explain why we are all so excited to be learning our Times Tables this way. Rock on!


What can I do to help my child at home?
There are a large number of helpful websites which can help your child with their maths. Some suggestions are below:

Younger children should practise counting as often as possible. Here are some ideas for counting games:

  • Chant the number names, encouraging your child to join in when they feel confident.
  • Sing number rhymes together.
  • Give them the opportunity to count a range of interesting objects (coins, pasta shapes etc), encouraging them to touch and move each item as they count it.
  • Then ask them to count things they cannot touch or see (more difficult!) such as claps or jumps.
  • Look for numbers in the environment, for example in your house or when out shopping.
  • Cut out numbers from cards, magazines etc. and ask your child to order them.
  • Make deliberate mistakes when counting or ordering numbers. Can your child spot what you have done wrong?

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