Accidents and Illness
In the event of an accident or if a child should be unwell at school then action will be taken. It may be that a little first aid and sympathy is enough, in which case this will be dealt with by the staff. In the case of a head injury, parents will be contacted immediately in order for parents to ascertain whether the child should remain in school.
If any further action is necessary a parent will be contacted either at home or at work. It is for this reason that emergency contact numbers must be accurate and up to date.
Emergency forms are sent to parents to complete annually in September. When circumstances change parents are asked to contact school.
If a child is absent from school for any reason it is important that the school is informed, preferably by 9:00 am.
Absences that are not authorised by the school will be listed in the register statistics as unauthorised and therefore dealt with under the truancy regulations.
Family holidays will not be authorised during term time. If you feel that you need to take your child ut of school in exceptional circumstances, then this may be considered by the Headteacher. Unauthorised absences for family holidays are issued with penalty notices by Lancashire Authority. All requests for absence must be made in advance of the leave being taken.
Children who are often late or frequently absent without good reason will automatically be discussed with the school's attendance officer.
Guidance on which medication may be administered
Stubbins Primary School aims to support children who may have long term medical conditions and will ensure the following-
- Pupils at school with medial conditions will be properly supported so that they can have full access to education, including school trips and physical education.
- The governors will ensure that arrangements are in place in schools to support pupils at school with medical conditions.
- The governors ensure that school leaders consult health and social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs of children with medical conditions are effectively supported.
If your child has a long term condition, we request that parents keep the school fully informed and make an appointment with your child's class teacher to produce a Healthcare Plan where necessary. A copy of this plan is at the bottom of this page.
Children who have been off school due to a short term illness which requires antibiotics can attend school once well enough. If they are prescribed antibiotics 2-3 times a day then parents/carers should manage this at home.
The school will only accept:
→ Medicines prescribed by a medical practitioner
→ Medicines that are in date
→ Medicines that need to be administered in excess of 3 times per day: If your child is prescribed medicine, such as antibiotics, by their GP then three daily doses should be administered - before school, after school and in the evening – there is no need for these medicines to be brought to into school. If taking anti-biotics, please ensure that your child is well enough to be at school. Only in exceptional circumstances will medicines be administered by school staff.
→ Medicines in their original container, as dispensed by a pharmacist
→ Containers with labelling identifying the child by name and with original instructions for administration, dosage and storage
The school will not accept or administer:
→ Medicines that are to be administered 3 times per day (unless the child is attending after school club and will not return home immediately after 3:30pm, or attending a residential visit)
→ Piriton
→ Paracetamol eg Calpol, or aspirin.
Staff will not routinely administer eye drops but this may be permitted with express permission of the Headteacher if particular circumstances require so. Where possible, older children, with permission of adults may administer eye drops in some circumstancese.g. for hayfever, under the supervision of an adult.
Sun screen or creams should be self applied by children. This activity can be supervised by an adult. In the case of very young children it may be necessary for staff to apply Sun Cream with parental permission.